Here’s a little project for the RaspberryPi Pico KIKOSS (Keep It Kind Of Simple Stupid) USBMIDI host :
Nanokontrol2 the Digitakt
Here’s a quick template for controlling the 8 sample tracks from the Elektron Digitakt with help of the RK006 hosting a Korg NanoKONTROL2
The NK2 template can be downloaded here on google drive It assumes the 8 sample channels of the Digitakt are set to MIDI Channel 1-8
There are multiple ways to connect the NK2 to the Digitakt via the RK-006:
1. Connect the OTG dongle to the RK006 and plug the NK2 into the USB-A. Then connect the Digitakt to any of the RK-006 outputs
2. Connect a USB-HUB to the RK006 and connect both the NK2 and Digitakt to the RK006
In terms of control it will not make a real difference to use one connection or the other. The upside of connecting all via a USB hub is that all outputs of the Digitakt are now also available through the 10 output ports on the RK006 – double win 🙂
Make sure that if you are hosting the Digitakt to the RK006 the USB mode is set to USBMIDI, not overbridge.
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RK-005 and Teenage Engineering OP-1 Support
RK005 OP-1 Support
Because many people want to pair the RK-005 to host Teenage Engineering’s OP-1 we have implemented direct communication with this device on the 1.4 firmware (and up). You can use a small menu on the display of the OP-1 to access various settings of the RK-005. This is done via the OP-1’s ‘Controller Mode’ which is also used in certain DAW’.
First; Make sure the OP1 MIDI CTRL Channel is set to CH1 and the dial is set to ABS, MIDI CC
To enter the RK005 menu on directly on the OP-1:
– press’SHIFT’ + ‘COM’
– press CTRL
to leave the RK005 menu:
– press ‘SHIFT’ + ‘COM’
– press ‘OP-1’
OP-1’s display will show:
+-----------------------------+ | RK005 | | [|||||||||||||||||] | | USE < > REC and 1.8 | +-----------------------------+
now you can use the following buttons:
‘<‘ to navigate one menu page to the left ‘>’ to navigate one menu page to the right
‘REC’ to change the currently displayed parameter
‘1..8’ to perform parameter dependent settings
Note: parameter changes are NOT stored in RK005’s memory until the menupage ‘STORE IN RK005?’ is executed (see below)
Menupage : ‘DIN-THRU’
this parameter controls the forwarding of MIDI data from the MIDI DIN input to the MIDI DIN output
OFF = MIDI data arriving at the DIN input will NOT be sent to the DIN output
AUTO = MIDI data arriving at the DIN input will be sent to the DIN output, but ONLY when the RK005 is in ‘stand-alone’ mode
when the RK005 is connected to a host PC (or tablet) there will NOT be any data forwarded from DIN IN –> DIN OUT
(this is to avoid unwanted MIDI loops)
ON = MIDI data arriving at the DIN input will always be forwarded to the DIN output (note this could lead to unwanted MIDI loops!)
Menupage : ‘LED INDICATOR’
This parameter controls the intensity of the LED indicator
DIMM = default indicator intensity
BRIGHT = bright intensity
OFF = no indicator at all
The RK005 can apply up to 4 filters. Each filter can be set to block certain messages (messages which are matched by a filter will be discarded)
In order to define the matching conditions each filter has the following settings:
a) PORT = the ‘connector’ on which the filter should match
b) DIR = the direction for which the filter should match
c) EV = the events for which the filter should match
d) CHN = the channels for which the filter should match (in case ‘channel’ events are used)
Menupage : ‘FLT#1/PORT’
Determines the I/O port for this filter
Values :
OFF = filter disabled
USB HOST ALL = all devices connected on RK005’s USB-HOST connector
USB OP-1 = OP-1 connected to RK005’s USB-HOST connector
USB CLIENT = RK005’s device connector
MIDI DIN = RK005’s MIDI DIN connectors (IN, OUT or both)
Menupage : ‘FLT#1/DIR’
Sets the direction of this filter
RK005 <– * = data flowing into the RK005 RK005 –> * = data flowing out from the RK005
RK005 <-> * = data in one or both directions
Menupage : ‘FLT#1/EV’
Set the type of events the filter should match
CHN = channel events
CHN+CLK = channel events or clock
CHN+TRN = channel events or start/stop (=TRaNsport)
CHN+TRN+CLK = channel events or clock / start / stop
ALL = all events
Menupage : ‘FLT#1/CHN1..8’
Selects which MIDI channels 1..8 for which the filter should match (note: only when EV not set to ‘ALL’ !)
use buttons 1..8 to toggle channels on/off
this is displayed by the ‘keyboard’ graphic: every ‘red’ bar indicates that the corresponding channel is being matched
Menupage : ‘FLT#1/CHN9..16’
Select match for MIDI channels 9..16
Values :
See FLT#1/CHN1..8
For menupages FLT#2/xxxx -> see FLT#1/xxxx
note 1) to quickly navigate between filters 1..4 you can press 1,2,3,4 (the big numbers below the display)
note 2) to quickly setup a filter for OP-1 reception or OP-1 transmission: press 1 (labelled ‘IN’) or 2 (labelled ‘OUT’) in the FLT#x/PORT
FLT#x/DIR or FLT#x/EV menu page:
This will pre-set the parameters to form a filter directly for OP-1 transmit or OP-1 receive as a convenience function
Menupage : ‘STORE IN RK005?’
Use this to make the changes be stored inside RK005’s memory
the settings will be kept, even if the RK005 is disconnected from power
use this to re-set all parameters to factory default
Menupage : ‘RK005 FW VS’
Shows the running RK005 firmware version
Buy the RK-005 or view the RK-005 Online Settings (visit the settings page with google Chrome to use WebMIDI)
RK-004 full PDF Manual
Learn all secrets of the RK-004
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RK-2000 ?
Behringer BCR2000/Zaquencer modification
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RK-004 MIDI Implementation
Control the RK-004 Settings via MIDI
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RK-002 Video
Remember having 1-color graphics on your computer or even your phone?
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RK-004 RaspberryPi image
For the tinkerer; We’ve released the RaspberryPi image to add MIDI-Host functionality to the RK-004.
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RK-004 Quick Manual
Here’s some info about the basic operation of the RK-004 – next stop we’ll explain some more advanced features.
RK-004 MIDI/Thru/Merge/Tempo hub
RK-002 Smart MIDI Cable
The RK-002 ‘Smart MIDI cable’ has already found it’s way in various setups (not just with the volca Sample)
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RK-003 Passive Mixer
8 Channel passive mixer, also available as DIY projectRead More
RK002/MOD Firmware
This firmware version of the RK002 can be used to add controller data to velocity, modulation, aftertouch and pitch data.
RK002/KOS: KORG Kaossilator (DUY version)
NOTE: Since 2020 we are using the DUY Kaossilator firmware for pre-flashed orders on our website. Management of this firmware goes via our DUY Portal, not via the old DUY settings page.
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