RK-002 Video Firmware [experimental]

If you're reading this message the MIDI system is not properly initialized. Probably you did not allow MIDI access, are not using Chrome or don't have the Jazz-plugin fallback installed (or you are on a mobile device) Please install the Jazz-plugin from here: jazz-soft.net Or enable plugin access and try a refresh.
Check the post here about the small hardware gizmo you need for the RK-002 Video firmware

Select MIDI Out interface:
Select interface

RK-002 Firmware updater is located here

MIDI response channel:
Select MIDI channel
Show framebuffer:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Play Anim Stop Anim Clear image Invert Image scroll L scroll R
Progress buffer


Drop a .piskel, .gif or .gif animation file (10 frames max, 96x64pixels, b/w):
Try your hand at www.piskelapp.com!

File API & FileReader API not supported

XHR2's FormData is not supported

XHR2's upload progress isn't supported

Or draw image below:

TEXT MESSAGES Enter text (press ENTER to render on RK002:
Store current screenbuffer at frame:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


A test to stream webcam images to the RK-002 video out: