The RK-007 is an 80s style box you can use to send handy commands to your MIDI setup; Patch Changes, Controller data, test notes,… It is built around generally available components you can find on sites like Adafruit, Conrad, Ebay, Aliexpress,… and – if you still have one around – probably also at your local electronics supplier.
We built two flavours which provide MIDI connections via TRS-MIDI, USBMIDI (via the Arduino Pro Micro board) and even BluetoothLE (via the Lolin D32 ESP32 board)
Also there is a .STL 3D model file available to print out so you have all this goodness in a handy box. A small demo video is here on youtube (Arduino version without BLE)
The manual plus files and code is available via this link on Google Drive. ‘By your command’ we will also provide some pre-programmed/assembled boards in the near future.